Wednesday, 19 November 2014


     The history of post and it's symbols are fun filled. Post was one of the important thing in our life, till the Internet came in to exist and influenced our life by means of email and instant messaging. Still we can't able to avoid the letters completely. MUDHRA is a sanskrit word for symbol

    Postal symbols first came into existence in Britain. In 1835 Mathematics scientist Rolland Hill formed an investigating team. The reason for this movement is nothing but there is no fixed  charge or an ideal system for letter posting. At the time to send a letter from one post office to another, we need to pay in the both post offices. So on the letter posting played important role in government wealth. In this time France and Britain came in to war and the government increased the letter posting charge and they used all the income from this letter posting for needs of war.
     So on people's interest in letter started to decrease. At that time money is given only after the receiver got the letter or item. People started to make the money by cheating the government . Like the receiver rejected the letters and the matter from the sender is written on the cover itself by some codes and all. So the receiver will understood the matter of the letter and he won't spend money for getting the letter.

       The investigation by Rolland Hill team strongly said that the letter posting should have to be charged before sending. In 1837 government showed green signal to Rolland Hills ideas. And in 1840 the first letter symbol or stamp came in to exist. Rolland hills said that for a letter weighing 1/2 ounce  wieght will charge 1 penny to send from Britain to any where else.And the money should have to be collected before sending and have to stick a small paper on it one side gum and other side with a postal symbol. First it was difficult for officials to accept  but as a test they did it and it got a successful and positive feedback.

           Penny black was the first postal stamp in the world, the postal symbol on that stamp was the picture of Queen Victoria, but these stamp was having a negative side that they forgot to print their nation's name (England) on it, it is because at the time no other countries used this postal system. The stamp printed on may 1st and published for public use on may 6th. Still the penny black is printed without name of England. "Postage one penny" this is the only thing printed on penny black stamp.

     The postage cost and system made ideal and fixed On the day penny black published. First the penny black was printed on the letter envelops, covers and all. Later Rolland Hill developed penny black stamp, which can pasted on any envelopes or covers. By this methodology postal service in England developed and it's income also increased well.
       Rolland Hill published an autobiography called Father of postal stamp. And in 1937 he published a book called post office reform. Two important regulations about stamps are notified in these books. One a fixed amount will be charged before sending any things that to be send. Two for the proof of money has paid, paste a postal symbol (stamp) on the envelope of letter. This rules are still followed every where.

    Brazil was the second country who implemented stamp in 1843. Success of Penny black was the motivation behind this. So on at 1945 some post masters in Switzerland and American union nations started publishing their on stamps. In 1847 Americans published first Stamp. 5,10 cent way stamp price. In 1845 France and Belgium started publishing their own stamp. In 1850 itself almost every country started using stamp. In most of them was colonies of British, so development was very slowly.

Monday, 17 November 2014


             Lakshadweep is located in the western side of kerala in the Arabian, A group of 36 small small Islands ask together called as Lakshadweep. In these some of them are populated and some are not. The populated Islands are Andhroth, Manikoyi, Kavrathi, Amnidivi and the islands Virigilli, Cheriyamkkodithalla, Thillakkam, pitty are not populated by people. New born islands are also included in this. It is 200-400km far from Kerala. There is minimum of 11 kilometres to travel from one island to another. And maximum of 378 km too is there in between these islands  .

      There are lots of historical stories and ethics are exist behind this name Lakshadweeps. When VASCO DE GAMA left from Europe, there was an Arabian captain IBNUMAJ, he is the one who told Vasco about these Islands and about Kerala, Like there are lots of islands in Arabian sea and if go after them towards the East then we can able to reach Kerala. Vasco realised that it's true, and he shooter to sky as a honour. Vasco called them as Lakedeves. We can see this names in the old records. In 1973 P. M. SAEED Presented a bill in the parliament and the name changed to Lakshadweep from Lakedeves.
         This Islands are in the top of some mountains in the Arabian sea. The studies says that depth near the island is about more than 1500 feet, found in 1892 ocean investigations. The islands have relation with Kerala and the people over there also have a strong relationship with kerala. In the early time itself people over there have relation with land and people in Kerala. More than that ancient people over the were the refugees from Kerala. Coconut and fishing is their and keralites main business at that time. This Islands also have the same natural beauty of Kerala. They are following the same language, dressing style and culture of Keralites.
       There have been conducted lots of study about these Islands, as per Gardiner's idea from the shores of Africa to Lakshadweep, East Malaysia included in the South Indian silon till the north Australia is a part of continent, the mountains are in the oceans and above that coral reefs are formed and that's reefs are these Islands. The capital of Lakshadweep is Kavrathi. According to senses in 2001, 2786 is population in this place per square kilometres. Andhroth Island is biggest In the size, Kithaan is the smallest in size. 1.63 kilometres is the circumference of this island. These Islands were very poor in education and development, but by the 20th century these Islands came in to leading position both in development and education. The first school started in 1891 in Minikoy was the first step towards the education in these Islands. In 1904 a school started at Amini island, and a teacher from Kasargod District, Kerala went there for teaching. Teachers were went from Kerala to schools over there at that time

          The most of the Lakshadweep people belive in Islam religion. HASRATH UBAIDHULLA spreader of Islam religion over there. We can see in the History that   In the beginning of 7th century itself Islam has been spreaded over there. It is said that at hijra year, in the month of shawall on 11 th(AD 662), Prophet MUHAMMED NABI (S) Sent 14 members from Jiddah in a ship to island to spread the Islam religion. HASRATH UBAIDHULLA was the leader, they faced lots of problem over there, they started from the Amini island and a women was first came into Islam and she is named as HAMEEDHATH. FUTHUHATHUL JASAYIR ( ISLAND WIN ) is the book proof for this.

         Fishing is the main thing of people over there, coconut agriculture is also practiced in large level. Cause of area and type of soil other kind of agriculture is not successful. Rope manufacturing is also practiced. Rope industries was one of the most competitive area at early times, to conquer this rope industries, In between East India company and Arakkal Kingdom  had so many competitions for this has marked in history. At that time These competitions leaded the island people's life more difficult. In 16th centuries the Kannur king has charged tax for rope exporting. Islands have huge amount of source of fish. The fish production over here is more than 10000 Tons. More than 300 kinds of decorative fishes are Also available in the island. Pearls and stones are also well available. Fishing sectors is the most source of income of these Islands.

    There are many art forms performed in the islands in that Kollkali and Parichamutt is famous. These are performed by men. In a group 12- 20 members will be there. It is famous in Kerala too, the famous Kerala Mappila Kollkali's same rule and form is followed by the island. In Kollkali players will be with small cylinder shaped sticks. At the same time in Parichamutt the players will be holding sword shaped wood and one stick in other hand or may be the shield in other hand. Songs also will be there while playing this, songs will be most of Mappila songs. This will be performed in Marriage functions, special days and in special functions and all.
       Attam is an art form performed by women performer, it's is performed in every Islands but Killthaan is famous for this art form. The women's are formed like a circle and dancing simple steps according to the song is Attam. In Eid eve these art were performed but this is not exist now.
        This needs stretchable body, guys will sit in both the sides and ullakka is a kind of stick used to grind the cereals they will beat this ullakka to make sound at the same time 3 or more will dance inside the gap between these sticks without making mistake in their steps.
         It is mostly performed in Minikoy island, LAVA means steps. This art form is by wearing a special kind of shoes and wearing a drum on chest and making sound by beating the drum and doing steps according to that drum beat. Beru is another form of lava.

Lakshadweep island is one most attractive Islands, go visit and enjoy.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

ORNITHOLOGY (study of Birds)

        Here we are going to discus about the steps we want to do in ornithology, it's very simple and quiet easy at the same time interesting too. Birds are the singers of nature's. We all love birds is there any one who doesn't like birds?  No every one likes birds, every one like to see their movements, the way they collecting foods, the way they fly, the way they sing and all. The term ornithology is know as the scientific study of birds example their moves, behaviour etc.
         We have to analyse a bird from the place where they growing up. Birds are symbol of peace, understanding them is like understanding the nature. By this interesting analysing we are living the nature. In villages and all may be people start their life in the morning by hearing birds songs or sounds. Because birds wakes up very early in the morning. When we look out through our Windows we can that they busy in making friendship and busy collecting foods for their day. Each and every birds are different from one each other, every bird is unlike each other in their colour, behaviour, sound, the way they make shelter and all.

        Who teached birds to fly over the sky, and to built home in the tree tops and to collect their foods and lay egg and to grow up their babies? The one who made us is behind that, God. Nothing is enough to appreciate God's ability. This little small birds are doing lots of things that even we people can't imagine, it's only the power of God.

           Before starting to learn about the birds, we should have to know about one person. The one who spend his whole life for birds, Dr. Saleem Ali. He is also known as the saviour of the birds, he had written lots of books about birds among that THE BOOK OF INDIAN BIRDS is one of the next and very much useful to us. As like that Keralite professor Neellakandan know in pen name INDHUCHOODAN, His book called BIRDS OF KERALA and also the books of ornithologist C. Raheem, which will be also help us in the study of birds.

           In different countries different names are used for birds English people use one name Indian use another name for the same kind, in this case the scientific names plays a vital role. The scientific name of every animals is in the Latin language. Even it is is I  the late  language, the names are agreed all over the world. As the names are so important, for an ornithologist, it is essential to remember each and every names of birds in its scientific names. Writing behaviour of these scientific names will be helpful for the study and orthinology.

           The first thing is identification of birds, the ability to classify the birds comes in this parts. We have to be very clear about the birds we see around us in our environment itself. We  can identify them first. Identification includes their names, shape, how do they look like, their sound, their approach towards the people like weather they are flying away from people cause of fear and all.

         While we are going for ornithology one thing we have to be careful that don't wear red, black, white dresses. There is chance that birds fly away from us since these colours are more bright and attractive. If the colour our dress is green, light green or light yellow, then the birds won't notice us easily, if so we can watch them in a close range even without the help of binoculars.

          Where did they birds likely to come more often? Study about that places and choose that places like fields, plains, bamboo forests, flowered trees, lakes, sea shores. These are the most likely place that most of the birds love. And another main place is tree with fruits, birds will more likely to come there to have fruits, honey, to build nest, to eat worms on that tree and all.

     We have to take care of the names because each every birds have different names more over each birds are having one more names, in different places the same bird may have different names so collecting their names and noting it down is very important.

        Birds wake up very early and they will went for their did in the early morning itself so we should have to be ready early. Morning 6 am to 9 am is the right time for ornithology as like that evening 4 pm to 7 pm is the right timing. In these time the birds seems to be more active. The researchers found that in these time, they will be more active, singing, finding food, making nest, making love &  friendship. The noise of the birds going home in the evening last for hours.

          As like ornithology feature collection is also a good &  fun filled hobby, As a part of ornithology when we go to places where birds come collect the feathers from there and classify according to birds feather and stick on in an album and write their respective names in it. So by this ornithology we can get two things one hobby (feather collection) and two valuable information about birds.

        Each boards vary in their sounds, so we have to analyse sound very seriously we should have to identify a bird from its sounds, but some birds have multiple sounds like mimicry acting, Parrots are the good example of this kind.

       Everyone should try ornithology it is a simple and  good hobby and mind relaxing one too to do, it will be very nice to study and analyse about birds since they are very beautiful and sings well. Learn through fun.


Friday, 7 November 2014



1. EGG ( HEN )                           - 15 Nos                 
2. EGG ( DUCK )                         - 5 Nos    
3. SUGAR                                   - 300 Gm
4. CARDAMOM                         - 5 Nos
5. GHEE                                      - 1/2 Tbs


     ★ Separate the egg white and yellow without mixing each other to two bowls. Now grind the cardamom and add it to the egg white, add 5 Tbs of sugar to it and beat well.
     ★ Now apply the Ghee to a plate and pour the egg white solution to this plate and boil it in steam.
     Step 2
     ★ Boil sugar and water in pan well, now pour the egg yellow to it by using filter ( To get like thread or like noodles ), now after 3 or 4 minutes take off the egg yellow threads from the sugar.
     ★ The steam boil egg white will be in the form of cake, cut it into pieces and put the egg yellow threads over this egg white cake.
    Serve after a mild cooling
      This sweet very famous in east kerala, it's very tasty and sugary. It can be use as a dessert after the food. Children's will obviously like this sweet, it's so simple to make and delicious too. Only a few ingredients is needed and which is all always available in our home itself. Try and enjoy.



1. GRAM FLOUR                             - 1 Cup
2. SUGAR                                         - 1 &  1/2 Cup
3. PURE GHEE                                 - 2 Cup


         ★ Fry the gram flour in a pan for ten minutes until it gets smoothen.
         ★ Boil the sugar &  water in pan until it gets thicken and once it gets thick fluid add the Ghee to it after that add the fried gram flour to it and stir well until it gets boiled well, then off the stove and then pour this in to a plain pan and cut in to pieces.

       This pure Ghee sweet mysoor pa is very tasty sweet but it's so costly in the shop but it's so simple to make it in home it self only three ingredients is needed to make and it's all well available in our home itself, kids definitely like this sweet and we can serve it after dinner and all

Friday, 24 October 2014



1) APPLE                                         -  1/2 KG
2) MILK                                            - 1 Litre
3) SUGAR                                        - 1/2 Cup
4) MILK MAID                                 - 200 GM
5) CHINA GRASS                           - 20 GM
6) EGG                                             - 3 Nos

For Garnishing
       ★ CASHEW NUT - 10 GM
       ★ CRUSHED COCONUT - 15 GM
       ★ GHEE - 1 Tbs
       ★ SUGAR - 2 Tbs


       ★ Remove the skin of apple and cut into piece + 1/4 sugar to a pressure cooker and boil for one whistle. And after one whistle grind it to paste in a mixer.
       ★ Boil the milk in low fire for a 20 minutes and add the balance sugar and beaten egg to it and stir in a low fire till it gets thicker.
       ★ Double boil the China grass and add to milk on the fire at the same time add the Apple paste and milkman too. Now off the fire and beat the whole gravy  well.
       ★ now pour the above gravy to a round deep pan. And for Garnishing boil the Ghee in a pan and put the cashew nuts crushed, sugar, crushed coconut and fry till it gets a golden colour. Now spread it all over gravy. serve chilled

     Apple pudding very tasty and yummy pudding. It can be clubbed with any kind of ice creams it's a very cool dessert and some what crunchy too since coconut and cashew nuts is used as the topping for a different experience the topping can also used in between the gravy too.



1) BEEF                                            - 250 GM
3) ONION                                         - 3 Nos
4) CORRIANDER LEAVES             - 50 GM
5) SALT                                             - As Required
6) CASHEW NUT                             - 50 GM
7) TOMATOES                                 - 2 Nos
8) TURMERIC POWDER                - 1 Pinch
9) CORRIANDER POWDER           - 1/4 Tbs 10) CHAT POWDER                       - 1/4 Tbs
11) CHILLY POWDER                    - 1/4 Tbs
12) GHEE                                        - 1 Tbs
★ Instead of beef, boneless chicken or Mutton or vegetables can be used.
★ When using vegetables add 1 Tbs Manchuri masala to taste.


          ★ Take one Tbs of ginger, garlic and chilly paste + a pinch of chat masala + beef + salt and grind well the items in a mixer. And make it balls like small balls and fry it in a pan with coconut oil.
         ★ Soak the cashew nut in  warm water for 30 minutes.
         ★ Add the stacked cashew nut and  all the balance ingredients to a pan and sort well in two Tbs coconut oil.  After that make it a paste in a mixer and now pour this paste to a pan and stir well in Ghee or butter and after a 5 minutes add the meat balls and stir well. Add some water if more gravy is needed. But make the gravy thicker by stirring, putting in a low flame.

       This a very simple curry to make. Children's obviously like this kind of curry. This meat ball only can eat as a snack with out preparing the gravy for eat. This gravy can be clubbed with all kind of main courses and the meat ball fry can have with tea or coffee as a snack.

Saturday, 18 October 2014



1. FISH                                  - 1/2 KG
2. ONION                              - 3 Nos
3. TOMATO                           - 1 Big
4. CURRY LEAVES               - 2 Strips
5. TURMERIC POWDER      - 1/2 Tbs
6. CHILLY POWDER             - 1 Tbs
9. COCONUT OIL                  - As required
11. SALT                                 - As required
12. VINEGAR OR LEMON JUICE - 1 & 1/2 Tbs
13. PEPPER                           - 1/2 Tbs
14. CASHEW NUTS              - 30 Gm


        ★ Marinate the fish by making a paste of 1/4 Tbs turmeric powder + half Tbs chilly powder + vinegar or lemon juice + half Tbs pepper + salt and keep it marinated for one hour and deep fry it in hot pan in coconut oil.
        ★ Take a pan and pour some coconut oil and put the chopped onion and sort well till onion gets a brown colour,  now add the ginger garlic chilly paste to it, and stir well now add half Tbs chilly powder, 1/4 Tbs turmeric powder, 1 Tbs coriander powder and curry leaves to it and  sort well.
        ★ Now add chopped tomatoes and stir for a while till tomato gets cooked. Now add the fried fish to this pan and the cashew nuts paste to it and corrainder leaves to it and mix it well and off the stove.

        Fish moly is south Indian dish which is very tasty dish and can have with all kind of many courses like Dum rice, Rotti, naan, Porrotta and all. This dish is not that much spicy still the fish moly is very tasty even children's like this dish well. Everyone should try this and enjoy the real tastes of kerala. Main highlight of this dish is no artificial agents are used in it.
In case of fish, any fish can be used, more preferably fish with less bones is best for this fish moly. If you use big fish at the same time taste also will increase.

Saturday, 11 October 2014



1. KARIMEEN(FISH)               - 1 Big
2. CHILLY POWDER                - 1 Tbs
3. TURMERIC POWDER          - 1/4 Tbs
4. PEPPER                                - 1/2 Tbs
5. GREEN CHILLY                    - 4 Nos
6. SALT*
7. COCONUT OIL                     - 4 Tbs
8. COCONUT MILK                  - 4 Tbs
9. CURRY LEAVES                   - 2 springle
11. VINEGAR                             - 1 Tbs
12. ONION                                 - 2 Nos
13. TOMATOES                         - 1 Nos
Banana leaves to shield the fish and to fry.
*As per your taste


      ★ Wash the fish and clean well, and make steps in it with knife. Now Take half tablespoon chilly powder, pinch of turmeric powder, salt and 1/2 Tbs vinegar and mix all these things well and apply on fish and marinate it for half hour.
       ★ Now boil 2 Tbs of coconut oil in a pan and half fry the fish in this pan. Now take the fish from it and add one spoon coconut oil and and now put the chopped onion, ginger garlic paste, chopped green chilly, half Tbs chilly powder, pinch of turmeric powder, half Tbs vinegar and half Tbs pepper to the pan and sort these well and now add the coconut milk to it and stir well until it becomes a thick gravy type.
          ★ Now put the chopped curry leaves and coriander leaves to it and stir well. And switch off the stove.
           ★Now just give low flame heat to banana leaves. Now put some gravy yo this banana leaves and above that put the fried fish and pour balance gravy above the fish and cover the fish with this gravy, Now close all the parts of fish with banana leaves and tie it. With some thread.
            ★ Now pour the balance one Tbs of coconut oil to the pan and fry the both side of the banana leaf covered fish in a low flame for a 5-10 minutes. And serve hot.
            This dish is a very tasty fish fry. It's a variety method of cooking, apart from fish thandoor this easy and can make in the normal pan and stove it self any kind of fish can be used but for taste preferably KARIMEEN or AVOLLI is used and big fishes are better for mappas. This is not that much spicy fry. A semi gravy format fish fry. Try and Enjoy the dish.

Friday, 10 October 2014



1. BASUMATI RICE                    - 1KG
(RICE Sinnara most prefereable)
2. BEANS                                     - 150 Gm
3. CARROT                                  - 150 Gm
4. GREEN BEANS                       - 100 Gm
5. GHEE                                        - 250 Gm
6. BREAD                                     - 2 Slices
7. PINEAPPLE                             - 50 Gm
8. CAPSICUM                              - 1 Big
9. SALT                                         - As Required
10. VINEGAR                              - 1 Tbs
11. ONION                                   - 5 Nos


          ★ Boil the rice in sufficient water and a spoon of vinegar and salt as per your taste and off the excess water once the rice is boiled. Now keep a pan and pour some Ghee and fry the onion in it till it gets golden, add some salt as per your taste and now put all the vegetables in to it and stir well and wait till the vegetables gets cooked.
           ★ Add the boiled rice and capsicum,  bread fry, and chopped pineapple to this pan and mix well.
           ★ Garnish the rice with some deep fried onion, cashew nut and yellow colour (yellow colour can be diluted in water or in milk and pour un evenly above the rice).

This is famous malabari Dum rice it is very easy to cook, At the same time it is very tasty too it can be used as a main course for all kond of functions and 'even children's likes this dish. And if your son or daughter hates the vegetables then v can prepare foods like this healthy and at the same time tasty too.



Sunday, 5 October 2014



1. CHICKEN                              - 1 KG
2. CHILLY POWDER                - 2 Tbs
3. TURMERIC POWDER         - 1/2 Tbs
5. EGG                                       - 1
6. LIME JUICE                          - 2 Tbs
7. SMALL ONION                    - 35 Gm
8. SWEET CUMMINS              - 15 Gm
9. CURRY LEAVES                   - 2 Strips
10. TOMATOES                        - 3 Nos
11. COCONUT OIL                   - 500 ML
13. CAPSICUM                        - 50 Gm
14. ONION BIG                         - 300 Gm
15. CASHEW NUT                   - 20 Gm
16. RED COLOUR                    - As required


       ★ First we have to marinate the chicken, for that take 1 & 1/2 Tbs of ginger, garlic and chilly paste with Cummins, red colour, small onion, egg, lime juice and make it a paste and apply on chicken and leave for some times, after that deep fry the marinated chicken in the coconut oil in a deep pan.
       ★ Pour some coconut oil to a pan when the oil gets heated put balance 3 & 1/2 Tbs ginger, garlic &  chilly paste to the pan and stir well, now add the chopped onion, turmeric powder and stir till it gets a golden colour.
       ★ Now boil the tomatoes and make it paste at the same time soak the cashew in a bowl  and make it paste and add this two pastes and fried chicken to the pan.
       ★ Put some chopped capsicum and coriander leaves to it and stir well in a low flame.
       Now The tasty NADAN CHICKEN ROAST is ready,  everyone should try this in home it's very simple dish to make and we can have it with any kind of Rotti, rices,  pulka and all. Children's also like this dish because chicken is fried first. No need of any kind of artificial agents like agenamota and all.



1. PINEAPPLE                        - 1 kg
2. SUGAR                               - 1 & 1/2 Cup
3. BREAD                                - 14 Slice
4. MILK                                    - 1 Litre
5. EGG                                     - 3 Nos
6. MILK MAID                         - 200 ML
7. PINEAPPLE ESSENCE      - 1 & 1/4 Tbs
8. CHINA GRASS                   - 20 Gm
9. WHIPPED CREAM             - 200 ML
10. ALMOND                          - 5 Nos
11. CASHEW NUTS               - 15 Nos


     ★ Sort the pineapple and 1/2 half cup sugar and boil it either in pressure cooker or in pan no need of adding water, after that grind it well in a grinder and make it like a paste.
     ★ Take some water and soak the China grass in it and after ten minutes double boil it. Add this melted China grass by steps of small amount and beat it well.
     ★ Boil the 1L milk and make it thicker (boil till the milk becomes 3/4th of the 1L) add the 3 eggs to it and stir well in low flame (add 1/4 cup sugar in the starting of boiling itself). Now remain this to cool and mix the whipped cream, milk maid and pineapple essence to it and beat it well. This is milky fluid.
    ★ Make a sugar solution by boiling the balance 3/4 cup of sugar with water and Now take the bread slices and remove the brown sides and dip it in the sugar solution and squeeze and remove the solution from the bread.
     ★ Pour the milky fluid to a plain deep plate. Now set up the breads horizontally above milky layer and again pour the milky fluid above the bread and above that pour the primarily cooked pineapple paste above it and above this set up the bread layer again and pour the milky fluid above it.
      ★ For garnishing fry some cashew nuts and crush it and spread over the pudding, add some almond and a little pineapple paste above it in an uneven way.

       The yummy pineapple pudding is now ready. It is good for health and we can use as a dessert after heavy meal and kids also like this it can be have in the hot climate and all its very tasty and easy to make. Every one should try this. The ingredients are easily available in the market and even in a grocery itself.

Thursday, 2 October 2014


1. CHICKEN                        - 1 KG
2. SMALL ONION*              - 25 G
3. GREEN CHILLY*             - 5 Nos
4. GINGER PASTE*            - 1 Tsp
5. GARLIC PASTE*             - 1 Tsp
6. SWEET CUMMINS         - 1/2 Tsp
7. CURRY LEAVES              - 2 Strips
8. TURMERIC POWDER     - 1/2 Tsp
10. LEMON SQUEEZE         - 2 Tsp
11. CORN FLOUR                 - 2 & 1/2 Tsp
12. EGG                                  - 1
13. RED COLOUR                 - As Required
14. SALT                                - As Required
15. Oil                                     - As Required


      ★ Mix the items mentioned from 2 to 14 in a bowl well and make it a paste and apply to the chicken well and keep closed in refrigerator or some where else for 2-3 hours for marinating.
      ★ No:2 to No:14 items are used to marinating the chicken (we can fry the chicken at the time of applying the paste itself) but as the marinating time of chicken increases the taste of the item will also will increases.
      ★ Heat the oil in a pan and deep fry the chicken well.
       *As per your taste.

       This dish is very easy to cook and very tasty too, and this dish can be used as starter and can be used with fried rice,  Porrotta, Chappathi, Pathiri and with all kind of South Indian dishes and this is a very renowned kerala dish. This is a chicken fry dry item.



1. CHICKEN                 - 1KG CUT PIECES
2. ONION                     - 4 Nos
3. GARLICK PASTE*    - 2 Tsp
4. GINGER PASTE*      - 2 Tsp
5. GREEN CHILLY*       - 2 TSP
6. TOMATO                   - 2 Nos
8. CHILLY POWDER        - 2 & 1/2 Tsp
9. CURRY LEAVES          - 2 Strips
10. COCONUT OIL          - 4 Tsp
11. SALT                           - As Required
12. WATER                       - 1/4 Cup


      ★ Pour the coconut oil into a hot pan, when oil gets heated put the sliced  onion and stir till onions gets golden brown colour.
      ★ Add ginger, garlic and green chilly paste to it and stir well, add turmeric powder and add curry leaves and tomato to it and stir in low flame well.
      ★ Add salt and chicken to it and add 1/4 cup water and stir well and close the pan for 20 minutes until the chicken gets cooked.
*As per your taste yo can can increase the amount of it.

      This is a south Indian especially kerala style (nadan) curry. This curry is very simple to prepare and in the same time tasty to which is very spicy and can be clubbed with all kind of main courses like Cappathi, Porrotta, Fried rice, Ghee rice, Pathiri, Noollappam, Poori and all. Every one will like the taste of this curry even children's and elders. No need of other spices, preservatives, ajnamoto, nuts or coriander leaves to garnish or to increase the taste. "Easy to cook tasty to have".

Sunday, 28 September 2014


POMEGRANATE            - 4 nos
EGG                                 - 3 nos
VANILLA ESSENCE      - 1 Spoon
BREAD                            - 10 Piece
SUGAR                            - 1 Cup
MILK MAID                     - 250 ml
CHINA GRASS               - 30 Gram
MILK                                - 1L

★ Remove the Pomegranate skin and add half cup of sugar to it.
★ Boil Pomegranate and sugar for 10 minutes and separate the seeds of Pomegranate by using a juice filter, and keep the cooked Pomegranate fluid aside. ★ Double boil the China grass and add to the Pomegranate fluid and a keep aside. 
★ Boil the full milk and make it cream or thicker,(add quarter cup of sugar and 3 eggs beated) to it and boil in a low flame until it gets thicker form. Now leave it for cooling.
★ After cooling add milk maid and vanilla essence and beat it well.
★ Add balance quarter cup of sugar to water and boil for some times until the sugar gets dissolved.
★ Now cut the brown sides of bread.
★ Dip the bread in the sugar fluid and remove the water content by pressing it with hands.
★ Pour the fluid made in step one (Pomegranate fluid) into a plane plate or bowl of height minimum 2 inches.
★ Above the Pomegranate (step 1 fluid) layer Pour the fluid made in step 2 and arrange the breads one by one vertically above the fluid and above that pout the fluid again over it.
★ For garnishing put some grated  fried cashew and some Pomegranate pieces above the pudding.
★ Keep in freezer for three hours and serve cooled.
   This Pomegranate pudding is very easy to make and which can be used as a dessert after any type of foods which is very yummy and tasty pudding. All the ingredients used is easily available in market and is not that much expensive and no need of a microwave oven and all. Children's obviously like this kind of puddings, try this instead of buying ice creams and puddings out from the shops. This is home made and any one can make it easily. This is of Kerala style, Enjoy the dish.