Monday, 17 November 2014


             Lakshadweep is located in the western side of kerala in the Arabian, A group of 36 small small Islands ask together called as Lakshadweep. In these some of them are populated and some are not. The populated Islands are Andhroth, Manikoyi, Kavrathi, Amnidivi and the islands Virigilli, Cheriyamkkodithalla, Thillakkam, pitty are not populated by people. New born islands are also included in this. It is 200-400km far from Kerala. There is minimum of 11 kilometres to travel from one island to another. And maximum of 378 km too is there in between these islands  .

      There are lots of historical stories and ethics are exist behind this name Lakshadweeps. When VASCO DE GAMA left from Europe, there was an Arabian captain IBNUMAJ, he is the one who told Vasco about these Islands and about Kerala, Like there are lots of islands in Arabian sea and if go after them towards the East then we can able to reach Kerala. Vasco realised that it's true, and he shooter to sky as a honour. Vasco called them as Lakedeves. We can see this names in the old records. In 1973 P. M. SAEED Presented a bill in the parliament and the name changed to Lakshadweep from Lakedeves.
         This Islands are in the top of some mountains in the Arabian sea. The studies says that depth near the island is about more than 1500 feet, found in 1892 ocean investigations. The islands have relation with Kerala and the people over there also have a strong relationship with kerala. In the early time itself people over there have relation with land and people in Kerala. More than that ancient people over the were the refugees from Kerala. Coconut and fishing is their and keralites main business at that time. This Islands also have the same natural beauty of Kerala. They are following the same language, dressing style and culture of Keralites.
       There have been conducted lots of study about these Islands, as per Gardiner's idea from the shores of Africa to Lakshadweep, East Malaysia included in the South Indian silon till the north Australia is a part of continent, the mountains are in the oceans and above that coral reefs are formed and that's reefs are these Islands. The capital of Lakshadweep is Kavrathi. According to senses in 2001, 2786 is population in this place per square kilometres. Andhroth Island is biggest In the size, Kithaan is the smallest in size. 1.63 kilometres is the circumference of this island. These Islands were very poor in education and development, but by the 20th century these Islands came in to leading position both in development and education. The first school started in 1891 in Minikoy was the first step towards the education in these Islands. In 1904 a school started at Amini island, and a teacher from Kasargod District, Kerala went there for teaching. Teachers were went from Kerala to schools over there at that time

          The most of the Lakshadweep people belive in Islam religion. HASRATH UBAIDHULLA spreader of Islam religion over there. We can see in the History that   In the beginning of 7th century itself Islam has been spreaded over there. It is said that at hijra year, in the month of shawall on 11 th(AD 662), Prophet MUHAMMED NABI (S) Sent 14 members from Jiddah in a ship to island to spread the Islam religion. HASRATH UBAIDHULLA was the leader, they faced lots of problem over there, they started from the Amini island and a women was first came into Islam and she is named as HAMEEDHATH. FUTHUHATHUL JASAYIR ( ISLAND WIN ) is the book proof for this.

         Fishing is the main thing of people over there, coconut agriculture is also practiced in large level. Cause of area and type of soil other kind of agriculture is not successful. Rope manufacturing is also practiced. Rope industries was one of the most competitive area at early times, to conquer this rope industries, In between East India company and Arakkal Kingdom  had so many competitions for this has marked in history. At that time These competitions leaded the island people's life more difficult. In 16th centuries the Kannur king has charged tax for rope exporting. Islands have huge amount of source of fish. The fish production over here is more than 10000 Tons. More than 300 kinds of decorative fishes are Also available in the island. Pearls and stones are also well available. Fishing sectors is the most source of income of these Islands.

    There are many art forms performed in the islands in that Kollkali and Parichamutt is famous. These are performed by men. In a group 12- 20 members will be there. It is famous in Kerala too, the famous Kerala Mappila Kollkali's same rule and form is followed by the island. In Kollkali players will be with small cylinder shaped sticks. At the same time in Parichamutt the players will be holding sword shaped wood and one stick in other hand or may be the shield in other hand. Songs also will be there while playing this, songs will be most of Mappila songs. This will be performed in Marriage functions, special days and in special functions and all.
       Attam is an art form performed by women performer, it's is performed in every Islands but Killthaan is famous for this art form. The women's are formed like a circle and dancing simple steps according to the song is Attam. In Eid eve these art were performed but this is not exist now.
        This needs stretchable body, guys will sit in both the sides and ullakka is a kind of stick used to grind the cereals they will beat this ullakka to make sound at the same time 3 or more will dance inside the gap between these sticks without making mistake in their steps.
         It is mostly performed in Minikoy island, LAVA means steps. This art form is by wearing a special kind of shoes and wearing a drum on chest and making sound by beating the drum and doing steps according to that drum beat. Beru is another form of lava.

Lakshadweep island is one most attractive Islands, go visit and enjoy.

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