Sunday, 16 November 2014

ORNITHOLOGY (study of Birds)

        Here we are going to discus about the steps we want to do in ornithology, it's very simple and quiet easy at the same time interesting too. Birds are the singers of nature's. We all love birds is there any one who doesn't like birds?  No every one likes birds, every one like to see their movements, the way they collecting foods, the way they fly, the way they sing and all. The term ornithology is know as the scientific study of birds example their moves, behaviour etc.
         We have to analyse a bird from the place where they growing up. Birds are symbol of peace, understanding them is like understanding the nature. By this interesting analysing we are living the nature. In villages and all may be people start their life in the morning by hearing birds songs or sounds. Because birds wakes up very early in the morning. When we look out through our Windows we can that they busy in making friendship and busy collecting foods for their day. Each and every birds are different from one each other, every bird is unlike each other in their colour, behaviour, sound, the way they make shelter and all.

        Who teached birds to fly over the sky, and to built home in the tree tops and to collect their foods and lay egg and to grow up their babies? The one who made us is behind that, God. Nothing is enough to appreciate God's ability. This little small birds are doing lots of things that even we people can't imagine, it's only the power of God.

           Before starting to learn about the birds, we should have to know about one person. The one who spend his whole life for birds, Dr. Saleem Ali. He is also known as the saviour of the birds, he had written lots of books about birds among that THE BOOK OF INDIAN BIRDS is one of the next and very much useful to us. As like that Keralite professor Neellakandan know in pen name INDHUCHOODAN, His book called BIRDS OF KERALA and also the books of ornithologist C. Raheem, which will be also help us in the study of birds.

           In different countries different names are used for birds English people use one name Indian use another name for the same kind, in this case the scientific names plays a vital role. The scientific name of every animals is in the Latin language. Even it is is I  the late  language, the names are agreed all over the world. As the names are so important, for an ornithologist, it is essential to remember each and every names of birds in its scientific names. Writing behaviour of these scientific names will be helpful for the study and orthinology.

           The first thing is identification of birds, the ability to classify the birds comes in this parts. We have to be very clear about the birds we see around us in our environment itself. We  can identify them first. Identification includes their names, shape, how do they look like, their sound, their approach towards the people like weather they are flying away from people cause of fear and all.

         While we are going for ornithology one thing we have to be careful that don't wear red, black, white dresses. There is chance that birds fly away from us since these colours are more bright and attractive. If the colour our dress is green, light green or light yellow, then the birds won't notice us easily, if so we can watch them in a close range even without the help of binoculars.

          Where did they birds likely to come more often? Study about that places and choose that places like fields, plains, bamboo forests, flowered trees, lakes, sea shores. These are the most likely place that most of the birds love. And another main place is tree with fruits, birds will more likely to come there to have fruits, honey, to build nest, to eat worms on that tree and all.

     We have to take care of the names because each every birds have different names more over each birds are having one more names, in different places the same bird may have different names so collecting their names and noting it down is very important.

        Birds wake up very early and they will went for their did in the early morning itself so we should have to be ready early. Morning 6 am to 9 am is the right time for ornithology as like that evening 4 pm to 7 pm is the right timing. In these time the birds seems to be more active. The researchers found that in these time, they will be more active, singing, finding food, making nest, making love &  friendship. The noise of the birds going home in the evening last for hours.

          As like ornithology feature collection is also a good &  fun filled hobby, As a part of ornithology when we go to places where birds come collect the feathers from there and classify according to birds feather and stick on in an album and write their respective names in it. So by this ornithology we can get two things one hobby (feather collection) and two valuable information about birds.

        Each boards vary in their sounds, so we have to analyse sound very seriously we should have to identify a bird from its sounds, but some birds have multiple sounds like mimicry acting, Parrots are the good example of this kind.

       Everyone should try ornithology it is a simple and  good hobby and mind relaxing one too to do, it will be very nice to study and analyse about birds since they are very beautiful and sings well. Learn through fun.


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