Wednesday, 19 November 2014


     The history of post and it's symbols are fun filled. Post was one of the important thing in our life, till the Internet came in to exist and influenced our life by means of email and instant messaging. Still we can't able to avoid the letters completely. MUDHRA is a sanskrit word for symbol

    Postal symbols first came into existence in Britain. In 1835 Mathematics scientist Rolland Hill formed an investigating team. The reason for this movement is nothing but there is no fixed  charge or an ideal system for letter posting. At the time to send a letter from one post office to another, we need to pay in the both post offices. So on the letter posting played important role in government wealth. In this time France and Britain came in to war and the government increased the letter posting charge and they used all the income from this letter posting for needs of war.
     So on people's interest in letter started to decrease. At that time money is given only after the receiver got the letter or item. People started to make the money by cheating the government . Like the receiver rejected the letters and the matter from the sender is written on the cover itself by some codes and all. So the receiver will understood the matter of the letter and he won't spend money for getting the letter.

       The investigation by Rolland Hill team strongly said that the letter posting should have to be charged before sending. In 1837 government showed green signal to Rolland Hills ideas. And in 1840 the first letter symbol or stamp came in to exist. Rolland hills said that for a letter weighing 1/2 ounce  wieght will charge 1 penny to send from Britain to any where else.And the money should have to be collected before sending and have to stick a small paper on it one side gum and other side with a postal symbol. First it was difficult for officials to accept  but as a test they did it and it got a successful and positive feedback.

           Penny black was the first postal stamp in the world, the postal symbol on that stamp was the picture of Queen Victoria, but these stamp was having a negative side that they forgot to print their nation's name (England) on it, it is because at the time no other countries used this postal system. The stamp printed on may 1st and published for public use on may 6th. Still the penny black is printed without name of England. "Postage one penny" this is the only thing printed on penny black stamp.

     The postage cost and system made ideal and fixed On the day penny black published. First the penny black was printed on the letter envelops, covers and all. Later Rolland Hill developed penny black stamp, which can pasted on any envelopes or covers. By this methodology postal service in England developed and it's income also increased well.
       Rolland Hill published an autobiography called Father of postal stamp. And in 1937 he published a book called post office reform. Two important regulations about stamps are notified in these books. One a fixed amount will be charged before sending any things that to be send. Two for the proof of money has paid, paste a postal symbol (stamp) on the envelope of letter. This rules are still followed every where.

    Brazil was the second country who implemented stamp in 1843. Success of Penny black was the motivation behind this. So on at 1945 some post masters in Switzerland and American union nations started publishing their on stamps. In 1847 Americans published first Stamp. 5,10 cent way stamp price. In 1845 France and Belgium started publishing their own stamp. In 1850 itself almost every country started using stamp. In most of them was colonies of British, so development was very slowly.

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