Sunday, 25 January 2015


         Where did the fishes live? Every one will laugh when you here this question cause, we all know that fishes lives in water but hear this there are fishes who lives in the soil. As the important elements and minerals of soil is getting destroyed, it is necessary to start learning about the importance of soil in our life and how to save the soil from getting polluted and all. Here we are going to discussing about soil and it's importance. Pedology & Edaphology is the branch of science which deals with the study of soils.

       What will happen the soil seeing in this top layer is not present in this Earth? how can we live here, this is the one of the most important reason that no life exist in other planets.Soil contains the  minerals and essential elements that needed for the growth for plants. Soil is a layer seen above the earth's surface, formed by mixtures of organic wastes. The organic varieties we seen today are from soil. So the protecting the soil is important as like protecting of environment. The soil we seen today is the result of years of organic chemical reactions. The main materials that result to soil formation is decaying organic things, Inorganic things, mineral salts, roots, different kinds of fluids and all.

    How the soil is formed? We have studied that soil is formed by grinding  of rocks. But soil is not formed only because of this and Rain, sun's heat, wind and all is working upon this grinded rocks to form soil and also the mixture of plants and herbs wastes and organic wastes all together pay way to the formation of soil. This is due to the working of biomolecules like bacteria and all this things are getting dissolved to the soil. Fallen Leaves of trees also getting dissolved in to soil and which gives soil more fertile. It takes years and years. Chemical reactions, hydrogen oxidation, carbonation and all also pay way to the formation of soil from rocks.
        Another important factor of soil formation is weather, heat and humidity. Soil formed in humid place will have more depth. In cold places the narrow soil will be formed. And the ups and downs of the earth surface is also a factor for formation of the soil. Example is the soil at plain surface is more thicker and it gets thinner when the surface is slope. The time also influences in the formation soil. The capacity of surface soul is 15cm that can allow the roots of plants to travel through it.

   There are different kinds of soils available in our place according to their colour, size and shape.
    Alluvial soil is the most fertile soil that available. Formed from the last layer of ocean surface. Since the sand is present, the thickness of the soil is less. It is present in the sea shores, deltas and all. At old times It is called as Bhangar and Khadir is the new name. It has potassium and sodium content. Nitrogen and phosphorus content is less in this soil. It is more seen in river sides of Sutlej, Ganga, Brahmaputhra and Sunderban delta. In Kerala it is more often found in Thrissur District.

     As like the name itself this soil is in black colour. This soil contains iron, lime, magnesium, potassium, aluminium, calcium and all. This soil is also called as rigger, Deccan trap and black cotton soil. It is seen in Palakkad at Kerala and in India Gujarath, Andhra pradhesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya pradhesh and in some parts of Tamilnadu. For the cultivation of cotton and all this soil is much better.

     Hydromorphic soil is formed by the deposition of raw materials that came from different places. At the same time the soil with low liquid effusion is said to be Hydromorphic soil with salt nature. This are seen mostly in the sea shores and which are very fertile. Above this hydro saline soil, acid soil and all are also found in Kerala.

     It is more often seen in Allapey and Kollam District in Kerala, which are formed by the deposition from the sea and which is last layer of deposit.

    More of seen in Malabar sides of Kerala. It is in yellowish red colour and reddish wheat colour. Phosphorus and potassium is less present.

    This soil is also called as forest loams. It is more often seen in the forest areas of Kerala. Organic nature is high in this soil and it's dark in nature and which is lagging in Phosphorus, lime, potassium. As the hieght increases, the acidic nature of this soil also increases, Other than Kerala this forest soil is found in Kashmir, Sikkim, Teray area in Uttar Pradhesh, Himachal Pradhesh, Arunachal Pradhesh and Utharagand.
The above discussed soils are found in kerala and the formation study and all where based on kerala and the formation of soil depends up on the place, climate and all.

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