Thursday, 5 February 2015


     We have to know about the eyebrows before threading. Good shape eyebrows makes your more pretty. As like the beards influences the man's beauty, eyebrows have very much influenced in women's beauty. Bow shape, length, thickness these are the three things in beauty of eyebrows. Shortened eyebrows like threads are not out of trend. Now raw look thick eyebrows are trendy. But shapeless thick eyebrows gives you Un-feminine look. Mostly all girls going to shape their eyebrows are used to thread in the beauticians opinion. There some measurements to shape the eyebrows according to shape of our face.

    Shaping of eyebrow should be according to your shape of face.
★ Oval shape face suits straight eyebrows.
★ Round shape face suits arch eyebrows.
★ Triangle shape faces suits straight eyebrows with a small bend in the end.
★ Heart shape faces suits round eyebrows best.
★ Square shape faces suits arch eyebrows.

      It is difficult to go daily to beauty parlour to care the eyebrows which is time loss and money loss. So we can take care of eyebrows from the home itself.
★ We can trim the fluffs in the starting of Eyebrows. We have to trim it carefully without decreasing the more length.
★ Apply gel or vaseline to keep the Brow in good shape and pluck the excess or raising fluff with a teaser.
★ It is better to pluck the hair above the eyes which h means inside the brow instead of plucking above the brow.
★ If you are plucking by own, it is better to do in the night, because red marks or burns cause of plucking will gone by the morning.
★ When using on hair we have to select our buy good gripped teasers to pluck.
★ We can use teaser to remove the hair in between two eyebrows but when doing this we have to mark with a pencil in the starting of the eyebrows.
★ At a time pluck a single hair by catching from its root.
★ Don't pluck excessively, think that beauty of face is depends up on shape of our eyebrows.
★ To avoid small defects effecting eyebrows we can use eyebrow pencils, buy the same colour of you hair.
★ Draw eyebrows according to the growth of hair, which will erase the gaps of hair.
★ Don't try to draw arch above the usual arch and don't draw lengthy more than the usual length, which is not so cool.
★ To get a heavy and cool look draw with a darker pencil than your hairs colour.
★ To get a cool shape, comb the eyebrows with a brow brush and apply petroleum gelly or brow gel.

★ Mix one teaspoon olive oil and vaseline and apply on eyebrows in the morning and afternoon and rinse off after one hour. Apply olive oil alone in the night before going bed and rinse off in the morning with cold water.
★ If your browser hair is falling, cut small onion into two and rub it on the eyebrows.
★ When you do dye, take care of eyebrows, it will make the brows grey colour.

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