Thursday, 5 February 2015


     We have to know about the eyebrows before threading. Good shape eyebrows makes your more pretty. As like the beards influences the man's beauty, eyebrows have very much influenced in women's beauty. Bow shape, length, thickness these are the three things in beauty of eyebrows. Shortened eyebrows like threads are not out of trend. Now raw look thick eyebrows are trendy. But shapeless thick eyebrows gives you Un-feminine look. Mostly all girls going to shape their eyebrows are used to thread in the beauticians opinion. There some measurements to shape the eyebrows according to shape of our face.

    Shaping of eyebrow should be according to your shape of face.
★ Oval shape face suits straight eyebrows.
★ Round shape face suits arch eyebrows.
★ Triangle shape faces suits straight eyebrows with a small bend in the end.
★ Heart shape faces suits round eyebrows best.
★ Square shape faces suits arch eyebrows.

      It is difficult to go daily to beauty parlour to care the eyebrows which is time loss and money loss. So we can take care of eyebrows from the home itself.
★ We can trim the fluffs in the starting of Eyebrows. We have to trim it carefully without decreasing the more length.
★ Apply gel or vaseline to keep the Brow in good shape and pluck the excess or raising fluff with a teaser.
★ It is better to pluck the hair above the eyes which h means inside the brow instead of plucking above the brow.
★ If you are plucking by own, it is better to do in the night, because red marks or burns cause of plucking will gone by the morning.
★ When using on hair we have to select our buy good gripped teasers to pluck.
★ We can use teaser to remove the hair in between two eyebrows but when doing this we have to mark with a pencil in the starting of the eyebrows.
★ At a time pluck a single hair by catching from its root.
★ Don't pluck excessively, think that beauty of face is depends up on shape of our eyebrows.
★ To avoid small defects effecting eyebrows we can use eyebrow pencils, buy the same colour of you hair.
★ Draw eyebrows according to the growth of hair, which will erase the gaps of hair.
★ Don't try to draw arch above the usual arch and don't draw lengthy more than the usual length, which is not so cool.
★ To get a heavy and cool look draw with a darker pencil than your hairs colour.
★ To get a cool shape, comb the eyebrows with a brow brush and apply petroleum gelly or brow gel.

★ Mix one teaspoon olive oil and vaseline and apply on eyebrows in the morning and afternoon and rinse off after one hour. Apply olive oil alone in the night before going bed and rinse off in the morning with cold water.
★ If your browser hair is falling, cut small onion into two and rub it on the eyebrows.
★ When you do dye, take care of eyebrows, it will make the brows grey colour.

Sunday, 1 February 2015


    Television is the one of most important visual media we use in our daily life. November 21 is celebrated as the world Television day. We can discuss some interesting facts and working of television. Television is a system which can convert one kind of signal into another kind of signal, which is electrical or some other signals are converted in visual medium and and it displayed using some screen or monitor, mostly picture tube, but modern technology changed these picture tube and all in LED displays and LCD displays. Main working of television is nothing but converting of sound signals and visual signals from one place into electrical signal and carring that signal to another place and displaying there as in its original form by converting the electrical signal into visual and sound signals.
    "Tele" Greek word for Distance and "Videra" Latin word for vision, these two words combined to form Television.

      Scottish scientist John Log Bayord invented the television. Still before the invention of television some tests were done. After the invention of telegram and telephone there was a thread that videos also can be transmitted. In 1875 George Kari an American scientist invented a machine. Made some cells that convert the light rays into electrical signals. And placed a lenses in front of this cells. The light from a source is passed through the lens and made electrical waves to glow the bulb. Kari pay way for invention of television by this way of transmission method. Scanning systems by W E Soir (1880) and Paul Nipko (1883) also pay way to invention of television. The usage of Cathode Ray Tube in the television camera and receiver is the base of the
Development of television. Vladimir K Sorikkin found that by using Ionoscope electrical signals can be converted into light rays and when falls somewhere it can produce the corresponding image there . But he failed to transfer the visuals. American scientist Charles Francis Jenkins in 1925 as a result of his research he started telecasting pictures.

       Television came into wide exist after the second world war. Invention of photoconductivity of selenium in 1873 by Willoughby Smith, Paul nipko's scanning disc and Bayord moving picture laid stone for the mechanical television. First show of moving picture displayed at Paris in 1909. Georges Rignox and A Fornier were the backbone behind this show. Motion pictures came into its correct form in 1925. In early times John L Bayord moved only 5 pictures in a minute. After that he moved 12 pictures in a minute. In 1926 January 26 first television show took place in front of the Royal institution members and The Time media workers in Frith Street lab, London. In 1936 First public television was directed by BBC at Alexander Palace, London

     The traditional television(TV) was very big. Television(TV) was like an expensive thing and only rich people can by that. The television (TV) includes screen and turn dial controller is like a huge brief case. And it is used to display black and white pictures only.

     This kind of screen is widely used in the electronic equipments and the screen is very thin and flat. This screen was used in the calculator in the early time itself. Today using technologies cheap, low energy consuming best LCD's are developed. Now LCD's are used in mobile phones and computers.

      CRT which means cathode ray tube, contains electron gun and fluorescent screen. German scientist Ferdinant Brown invented the first model of the CRT(cathode ray tube). It is also called as brown tube. In 1907 with the help of cathode ray tube (CRT) Boris Rosing displayed geometric shapes. In 1934 Telephangun developed the carbide ray tube (CRT) commercially. By the invention of LCD's and plasma, the sales of CRT's decreased. In Cathode ray tube (CRT's) are widely used at 1980 at that time CRT's are also called as Live Aid TV.

     Plasma TV's are using the fluorescent bulbs. Red, Blue, Green colour Phosphorus is coated on small plasma cells arranged on the display. There will be glass panel gap between each plasma cells. It will be filled with neon, xenon. The pictures is displayed when this enters the Phosphorus cells. LED TV's are also available today. And research is going on for Internet TV.


      Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian scientist, born in 1847 April at Bolona, Italy. His father is very rich, Giusse Marconi, mother is the second wife of Giusse Marconi, Ani Jameson, Irish. His primary schooling was from his home itself. In his childhood itself he was very interested in physics. He attracted to the theories of Maxwell and Hertz. He started research in his age of 20.

      Guglielmo Marconi is the scientist who changed the face of communication field. Guglielmo Marconi found the possibility of communication through the radio signals changed the lifestyle of human beings. Invention of Marconi is the main lead behind the advancement of radio, Television and mobile we are using today.
        Guglielmo Marconi is a very helpful man to this world by inventing the radio waves. Above the scientific invention, it was a deed to help the mankind to communicate each other by inventing a medium for that. And it changed the face of communication field. Radio signal helped lots of life's in ship disaster like Titanic, Republic, Balthura and it helped many in in the world wars also.

      In 1929 according to lateran agreement, Vatican came into independent. 11th Piuss Mar Papa decided to implement the most latest technology of communication field there. In 1931 as per the order of Papa, Marconi itself started the Vatican radio, so got a religious support too for his invention. Til now the message of love, peace, care, support and all is travelling across the world through Marconi's radio waves. Invention of Radio made scientific area lots of issues and all. Basically Guglielmo Marconi is known as the father of radio, still in 1943 according to the American Supreme Court Nikola Tesla Serbian American inventor is the father of radio. Still most of us believe that Marconi is the father of radio.

     Voice of Papa is said as the Vatican radio. Because the major service of Vatican radio is sharing the learning and messages of Papa. The messages in Easter, Christmas and all are very important and it will reach all over the world through this radio not only for Christians, it is for whole world, At the time of world wars the messages from Mar Papa's where also very impressive and peaceful. At that time all kind of information are passed and shared only through the Marconi's radio. Histories says that when America and Russia pressurised for war in Cuba at 1962 October 25th, the message of John 23rd Mar Papa's settled down the things to normal and peace. We know that communication is to combine the people not to divide them. At the time of world war Vatican radio was very helpful for the families of victims, prisoners, soldiers and those who dies in the war to pass the information and details about them. They made special radio stations to rescue the people from the death of war. The first usage of radio itself was for the human related things is notable. Again in 1998 Vatican radio used to settle down things in Cosovo problems. Till now Vatican radio is reaching the problems and trying to fixing them in a peaceful way. Even standing in the restrictions, Vatican radio is broadcasting in 42 languages including English, Malayalam, Hindi etc. In India Vatican radio is broadcasted in English, Malayalam, Urdu, Tamil and all.

      Marconi's foundation is giving the Marconi prize for those who are talented in the communication field. In 1975 James Rine Kill got the Marconi prize for the first time. In 1976 Hiroshi Inoss, 1977 Arthur Leonardo Skoulo, 1978 Eduard Collin Cherry, 1979 John Robinson Perez, 1980 Yash pell, 1981 Simmer Papert, 1982 Arthur C Clark, 1983 Francis Ko Krass, 1984 Eric Albert Ash, 1985  Charles Qun Kavo, 1986 Leonard Clenrock, 1987 Robert Wenden lucky, 1988 Fadry Co Fagin, 1989 Robert N Hall, 1990 Andew J Vederby, 1991 Paul Barren, 1992 James L Flanagan, 1993 Isso Hayashi, 1994 Robert E Can, 1995 Jacob Sin, 1996 Gotfried Hungerhock, 1997 G David Forene, 1998 Vinten Giserf, 1999 James L Marsey, 2000 Martin Hellman, 2001 Hervin Congling, Allen Sinder, 2002 Tim Barnorse Li, 2003 Robert Met Kalf, 2004 Serge Brin, Lawrence Page, 2005 Clod Bero, 2006 John M Siouffy, 2007 Ronaldo L Rivest, 2008 David N Payne, 2009 Andew Chiraplivi, Robert Kak, 2010 Charles Gask, John Vanock, 2011 Jack volfs, Erwin M Jacob, 2012 Henry Samuel, 2013 Martin Cooper, 2014 Arogya Swami Paul Raj finally got the Marconi prize.

      His main invention was wireless telegraphy, in 1895 he tested this for the first time. Marconi developed the radio telegraphy. He won noble prize for physics in 1909. He also won lots of medals and honours some of them are IEEE Medal of honour in 1920, 1901 Matteucci medal, Albert medal 1914, Franklin medal 1918, John Fritz medal 1923.